About iiiM

The International Institute for the Inclusive Museum (iiiM) promotes cultural democracy in the digital domain. It is a global network of researchers, practitioners and institutes committed to the UN SDGs through approaches to culture in development.

A distributed network of domains with hubs all over the world, this platform enhances constructive engagement with several knowledge communities and promotes state of the art online research,learning and teaching systems through strategic collaboration with the Common Ground Research Networks

The iiiM started as the Pacific Asia Observatory for Cultural Diversity in Human Development, as part of the UNESCO Action Plan of  the Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity (2001). It has since evolved as a critical frame for interrogating the Millennium Development Goals (2000-2015); and continues addressing the SDGs and UN Agenda 2030;and the New Urban Agenda Habitat III 2016.


World Heritage: Benefits Beyond Borders

One of the key publications by the Executive Director of the International Institute for the Inclusive Museum, Professor Amareswar Galla (in English, French and Korean)