Title – Woodfordia: Ecomuseology, Design & Cultural Landscapes
Date – 5th June 2023, Monday
Time – 1130-1300 Indian Standard Time (11:30 AM – 01:00 PM)
Recording Link – Click Here
The transformation of the international cultural landscapes requires re-envisioning new paradigms that consolidate all elements of the natural/cultural; moveable/immovable; tangible and intangible. Beyond binaries and borders it is One Health and One Environment – building on the four pillars of cultural, economic, social and environmental sustainability and SDGs to address the climate crisis. Two things are of urgent necessity. Harmonisation of International Hard Law and Soft Law instruments – treaties, conventions, charters, declarations and recommendations. We also need demonstration projects at the local level through active citizenship such as Woodfordia (woodfordfolkfestival.com/) building on living cultures and living traditions in the total environment. In this Webinar, we interrogate the making of Woodfordia as an integrated and holistic landscape, a microcosm of Australia and beyond.
Guest – Mr. William Hauritz AM, Founding Director of Woodfordia and Woodford Folk Festival, and a designated Queensland Great in Australia (Bio – Bill Hauritz).
Host – Professor Dr. Amareswar Galla, UNESCO Chair on Inclusive Museums and Sustainable Heritage Development at Anant National University, Ahmedabad. He also holds the position of Emeritus Faculty at the Australian National University, Canberra, and serves as the Chairperson of the International Research Network on the Inclusive Museum (onmuseums.com).