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International Centre For Inclusive Cultural Leadership (ICICL), AnantU

The International Centre for Inclusive Cultural Leadership (ICICL) is a global action-think tank established within AnantU. ICICL works towards inclusivity, inspirational leadership, and all forms of sustainable heritage development which are grounded in SDGs, UN 2030 Agenda, and HABITAT III. ICICL works across AnantU as a network. It brings together the community, professional and community capital of the International Institute for the Inclusive Museum.

Focus Areas

  • Fostering innovations, research and development with a focus on interdisciplinary curricula and inclusive pedagogy.
  • Developing, with illustrative examples, civil society engagement frameworks.
  • Carrying out research, case study documentation and deep immersions.
  • Promoting research culture with inputs into the interdisciplinary doctoral program and facilitating postdoctoral and visiting fellowships and research exchanges.
  • Chair and direct International Research Network Conferences and Seminars and continue to edit Tier 1 and 2 Research Journals.
  • Developing strategic partnerships with UNESCO/UNWTO/UNDP and Institutes of Advanced Studies.
  • Furthering partnership work with UNESCO UNITWIN Professorial Network on Culture, Tourism and Development.
  • Assisting the establishment of a clearing house, Learning Commons (AnantU Library) for demonstration projects with multiplier effect in various interdisciplinary aspects of culture in development.
  • Participating as the Pro bono and Advisory hub for impact projects.

Organising Webinars, Podcasts, Lectures and Symposia titled Heritage Matters, and International Summer and Winter Field Schools.

  • Providing a platform for Faculty and student cohorts through guest lectures, studio workshops, mentoring opportunities, and seminal think-tanks.
  • Delivering an annual international standard Post Graduate Module on Sustainable Heritage Development for the Anant National Fellowship (and PG1 – MUD) and anyone registered internationally by application.
  • Assisting advanced interdisciplinary modules in Research Planning and Civil Society Engagement focusing on Inclusion and Sustainable Heritage Development.
  • Mentor and assist Faculty development on an individual and collective basis in close consultation with the Management.
  • Advocate and promote an interdisciplinary culture.
  • Identify gaps and assist the establishment of Nodal Points that bring together integrated and interdisciplinary approaches across the AnantU academic environment.
  • Mentor the Anant Research Committee (ARC) to achieve its goals of fostering an across the campus research culture; Research Higher Degree Program – MPhil/PhD; and Project Development.
  • Work with management in putting in place systems for the best possible operationalisation of AnantU’s mission.


Strategic Partnerships


ICICL AnantU is a Member of the Network. It is a worldwide system of cooperation between universities in the fields of culture, tourism and development. It promotes the concepts, principles and objectives of UNESCO incorporated in its documents of reference (Conventions of 1972, 2003 and 2005 especially, the Convention of Faro 27th October 2005, and closing texts in International Conferences – Stockholm, 1998, Johannesburg, 2001). The Network strives towards a better understanding of nature and the complex ties between tourism, culture and a sustainable development of territories; encouraging a responsible and ethical vision of tourism as a means of sustainable development of territories and enhancing cultural diversity; helping to develop strategies and projects which are environmentally sustainable, socially fair, sensible from a business point of view and with a cultural value; and getting expertise closer to the policy decision-makers to benefit populations, especially those in poverty.

The Network is constantly sharing educational experiences, continuing education and applied research to improve them, also through the use of information technologies. It provides educational modules and tools: data collecting, analyzing and processing through preparation, project management and assessment and online education. It promotes local cooperation through academic mobility, the partnership between cities, supporting training programs and exchanges, especially in the Southern countries. It sets up projects with multiple partnerships. The Network is internationally recognized and acknowledged by a brand of excellence.


The UNESCO Chair on Inclusive Museums and Sustainable Heritage Development is the first on Museums in the Asia Pacific region. It is second worldwide after Sorbonne Nouvelle in Paris. Serving as a think tank and bridge-builder between academia, civil society, local communities, research, and policy-making this Chair will promote and support the development of museum policies in the region. Designed to promote excellence and innovation, the Chair will establish new modes and modalities of locating culture in sustainable development. AnantU through this facility will provide critical direction to Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) with a focus on the built environment and inclusive design. Moreover, it will establish a nexus of collaborations that will benefit institutions across the Asia Pacific region.

Professor Amareswar Galla is the designated Chair holder as Professor and Director of the International Centre for Inclusive Cultural Leadership at AnantU.